Reincarnation is the way of our land.
reincarnation n.投胎 the rebirth of a soul in a new body.
She still holds distant memories of fleeting happiness and an instance of love.
fleeting adj.转瞬即逝 lasting for a very short time.
Aisha can dash to move quickly across the battlefield, and the swords she wields strike fast and hard, making her a well-balanced warrior.
wield v.挥 hold and use (a weapon or tool).
Kagachi prefers to keep to himself, performing his duties as a Watcher with cool detachment.
detachment m.超然,分离 the action or process of detaching; separation.
A natural world brimming with life,where creatures high and low rejoice in being alive.
brimming adj.充满 fill or be full to the point of overflowing.
rejoice v.开心 feel or show great joy or delight.
A world that exists in parallel with the Living World,occupying the same space, separated by a thin veil.
veil n.面纱 a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face.
conceal v.隐藏 keep from sight; hide.
A nexus appears when you defeat a Sight Stealer,a rear type of Fallen that appears wreathed in a noxious miasma.
nexus n.关系 a connection or series of connections linking two or more things.
noxious n.有毒的 harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant.
miasma n.瘴气 a highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor.
vapor n.蒸汽 a substance diffused or suspended in the air, especially one normally liquid or solid.
This also bestows special effects known as Precepts on you and Fallen within. bestow v.被赐予 confer or present (an honor, right, or gift).