# Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies笔记

# week 1

# Cryptographic Hash Functions

# Hash function

Takes any string as input fixed-size output (we’ll use 256 bits) efficiently computable.

# Security properties:

  • collision-free / 不冲突
  • hiding
  • puzzle-friendly


# Collision-free

Nobody can find x and y such that x != y and H(x)=H(y).

How to find a collision: Try 21^30 randomly chosen inputs 99.8% chance that two of them will collide. This works no matter what H is … but it takes too long to matter.

Is there a faster way to find collisions?

  • For some possible H’s, yes.
  • For others, we don’t know of one.

No H has been proven collision-free.

# Application: Hash as message digest

If we know H(x) = H(y),it’s safe to assume that x = y.To recognize a file that we saw before,just remember its hash.Useful because the hash is small.

# Hiding

We want something like this: Given H(x), it is infeasible to find x.

If r is chosen from a probability distribution that has high min-entropy(最小熵), then given H(r | x), it is infeasible(不可能的) to find x.

High min-entropy means that the distribution is “very spread out”, so that no particular value is chosen with more than negligible(微不足道的) probability.

# 补充内容:熵(entropy)和信息


当一件事情(宏观态)有多种可能情况(微观态)时,这件事情对某人(观测者)而言具体是哪种情况的不确定性 叫做 。而能够消除 该人对这件事情不确定性的事物叫做信息 。熵和信息数量相等意义相反 ,获取信息意味着消除不确定性。(消除熵=获取信息)